: SECC Tech Night: Spotting Deepfakes Using Generative AI Tools

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The Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC) of the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) is organizing a free SECC Tech Night to discuss generative AI from another perspective to spot deepfakes. The session will be held on November 6, at Giza Creativa Innovation Hub.   The session will explore how forgers are using generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create fake videos, and discuss how to leverage AI to spot these fake videos. Furthermore, generative AI may be applied in different domains other than text generation.   The session will also highlight how generative AI and its applications work and cover different techniques to detect content created by generative AI tools.   It is worth noting that generative AI can create a wide variety of data, including images, videos, audio, text, and 3D models, among others. Learning patterns from existing data and using this knowledge to generate new and unique outputs, generative AI produces highly realistic and complex content that mimics human creativity, making it a valuable tool for many industries.   SECC Tech Nights is a series of events that explore the exciting world of generative AI and the latest technology trends. The sessions provide both a practical and theoretical perspective on how to use generative AI to boost business in digital transformation, software engineering, and process improvement. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field.   SECC Tech Nights is a series of events that explore the exciting world of generative AI and the latest technology trends. The sessions provide both a practical and theoretical perspective on how to use generative AI to boost business in digital transformation, software engineering, and process improvement. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field.

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