: Hisham Ezz Al-Arab visited CIB Kenya to strengthen the collaborative relationship and motivate its employees

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05:01 م - الثلاثاء 24 أكتوبر 2023


Mr. Hisham Ezz Al-Arab,

The Group Chairman of CIB, Mr. Hisham Ezz Al-Arab, paid a visit to CIB Kenya Limited to engage with the bank's staff and discuss matters of mutual interest. He was accompanied by some members of the senior management in CIB Egypt. During the visit, Mr. Hisham was warmly welcomed by CIB Kenya’s senior management team, led by Mr. Hossam Rageh – CEO & Managing Director. The visit aimed to strengthen the collaborative relationship between the parent company and the Kenyan Subsidiary, and foster a sense of unity among the employees.


The visit concluded with a commitment to further collaboration, shared goals, and a strengthened partnership between CIB Kenya Limited and CIB Egypt . The Chairman's visit left a positive impression on the bank's staff, fostering a sense of pride and motivation amongst them.

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